Habitat for Wellness

Are You Living Your Best Life? Learn 14 Ways to Live Life to the Fullest

Living Your Best Life

There are certain things that could be holding you back from living your best life. There will come a day when all of us will face death and the last thing we want to do is look back at our lives with regret. So, I encourage you to put your life into perspective and ask yourself if you feel like you’re living your best life. If the answer is no, then find out what you need to do to start living life to the fullest. 

Live your best life

How to Live Your Best Life

1. Choose experiences over material things

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, seeking more money and material things, thinking that’s what’s bringing you happiness. Will any of these material things really matter in the end? Will that Rolex or closet full of expensive clothes really matter? It’s ok to buy nice things, but make sure you’re not living beyond your means and confusing material things for true happiness. Experiences help you enjoy the present moment, which is what brings sustainable happiness. So, say “YES” more often when you get invited to events and make vacationing a priority. 

Make your dreams come true

2. Make your dreams come true

Make your dreams your reality by putting them into motion NOW! Even if this means taking baby steps. Most people don’t go after their dreams because they fear rejection and failure. I promise you, if you are truly passionate about something, then you will succeed! Money or validation doesn’t necessarily define success. Success can be defined as accomplishing something you never thought you could do. Saying you are incapable of achieving what you truly desire is only putting up resistance in making your dreams come true. 

3. Stop worrying about the future

Learn how to overcome fear and anxiety by spending more time enjoying the present moment. Anxiety is future focused and peace lives in the present. Enjoy THIS MOMENT and stop worrying about things that may or may not happen. Don’t let anxiety rob you of living your best life!

I used to suffer from anxiety, so I can tell you first-hand how it can negatively affect your quality of life. Worrying about what others think, fear of failure, making money, romantic relationships, disease, and death can all prevent you from truly enjoying every moment. 

Trust your gut

4. Trust your gut - Let your intuition guide you

Let your intuition guide you throughout life. This will help you energetically connect with the universe so that you can manifest what you truly desire. Your intuition is that gut feeling you get when you think about something. *Note – There is a difference between intuition and anxiety. There is no fear associated with intuition, while anxiety is mostly fear based. Intuition is a slight inner knowing of what is right and what is wrong. 

5. Be content with what you have

Richness doesn’t need to be defined by having a lot of money or material things. Someone can be rich with happiness, which can be more gratifying than the richness that comes from money. 

6. Remove yourself from toxic relationships

If you feel like the people you’re hanging out with are holding you back from self-growth, then it may be time to let them go. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who bring out the best in you.

7. Don’t compare yourself to others

Take note of the things that are bringing you negativity in life. This includes social media and social circles. If you find that someone’s Facebook or Instagram posts are making you feel less of yourself, then stop following them. The only person you should compare yourself to is your old self. Measure your success by looking at your self-growth and not others. Are you a better person today than you were yesterday? Yes? Then success!

8. Make Laughing a Priority

Don’t waste time being miserable – Try your best to be happy despite any challenges you may be facing in life. It’s ok to cry one second and laugh the next. These are healthy emotions that are essential to healing. 

Live your best life

9. Spend time with family and friends

Laugh, listen, tell stories, tell them you love them, and cherish each moment you have with them. Life is fragile and you never know what the future holds.

10. Stop talking and listen

Really listen to what others have to say, especially those that are older than you. They have a lot of experience and wise lessons that you can learn from. Learn, listen, share; this is the key to building healthy relationships.

11. Be Kind to Your Body

You only get 1 body in life, so appreciate the fact that you’re able to walk, exercise, move and dance. Don’t take your body for granted by being lazy. Get up, move, and embrace a zest for life! 

12. Spend time in nature

Let nature heal you by bringing you back to your roots. Look at the beautiful flowers or the tree that’s perfectly grounded. Notice the stillness and peace that embodies these living things. It really is the simplest things in life that bring you true happiness. 

Living your best life

13. Wake up earlier in the morning

Watch the sun rise and listen to the bird chirp in the morning. There is something so peaceful and priceless about waking up early in the morning before all the noise starts. This includes the noise in your head. 

14. Stop worrying about what others think about you

The only validation you need in life is your own. Let go of your ego and embrace the true you. In the end, how you see yourself is the only thing that really matters. So, have confidence in yourself and go after what truly makes you happy!

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