Balance the Bossy Brain Named One of the Best New Anxiety Books of 2021 by Book Authority!

Learn How to Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks for Good!
ANXIETY IS A SYMPTOM of an imbalance within the body rather than a disease, which is why we must look at it from a WHOLE-BODY perspective. Otherwise, we will only learn how to deal with anxiety rather than overcome it for good. If you are looking for anxiety recovery success stories, then you have come to the perfect place. Let me guide you to the point of never having a random panic attack again.
I humbly share my story to get you to think about your own story. This will help you identify the source of what could be causing you to feel the way you are feeling today. In this book, I incorporate concepts relating to the BRAIN, BODY, and SPIRIT as I believe all of these are interconnected. An imbalance in one of these components can manifest itself into many issues.
What to Expect From this Anxiety Book
#1 Eliminate Stress
First, we need to learn how to eliminate the stressors in our lives to reduce the stress hormones running through our bodies. Many people do not realize that these excessive stress hormones continuously trigger the “fight or flight” response. This is what gives us that anxious feeling. Chronic stress has become more common in our day and age, so it is vital to learn how to manage stress.
#2 Face Your Fears
Stop catastrophizing, learn how to overcome fear, and end phobias and panic attacks for good! Avoidance only strengthens the bossy brain.
#3 Discover Anxiety Treatment Methods
Explore different anxiety treatment methods that can be very effective in gaining control of the bossy brain. These techniques can teach you to relax your mind when experiencing high anxiety.
#4 Learn About the Gut - Brain Connection
There is a gut-brain connection called the gut-brain axis, which is why I encourage you to focus on detoxing and nourishing your body. We need to balance out the hormones and happy chemicals within our body to tame our brain, and this all begins with the gut.
#5 Ditch the Ego and Live in the Present Moment
I emphasize the importance of releasing stagnant emotional trauma and embracing oneness by ditching the ego. Learn MINDFULNESS for anxiety skills to help you start living in the moment. Living in the past or future creates depression and anxiety. Living in the present brings peace, and peace brings happiness.
#6 Find True Happiness from Within
Learn how to be happy and understand that you cannot rely on anyone else or any material objects to bring you happiness. Everything comes with an expiration date, and if your happiness is based on something that has expired, YOU ARE SCREWED! True happiness comes from within and is everlasting, which is why we must discover who we are at the core.
#7 Embrace Faith Over Fear
Find your authentic self by EMBRACING SPIRITUAL FREEDOM and allow the universe to deliver whatever your heart desires. Trust that there is a reason you picked up this book and take this journey with me.

~ Balance the Bossy Brain