Habitat for Wellness

How to Repair Dopamine Receptors ~ Try a Dopamine Detox

How to Repair Dopamine Receptors

A Dopamine Diet Can Help Promote Healthier Behaviors

If you think you may be suffering from low dopamine, then consider abstaining from certain foods and activities that excessively pump out this pleasure-inducing chemical. This article will help you learn how to repair dopamine receptors through a dopamine detox. A dopamine detox can help you ditch negative behaviors for healthier behaviors that are more sustainable long term.

Causes of Dopamine Deficiency

  • Drug and alcohol abuse – These substances trigger the release of dopamine which is what gives you that high feeling. Once your brain stops releasing dopamine, you start to crash. Continuous use of drugs and alcohol depletes your reserves, which makes it harder to achieve the positive effects of this happy chemical. 
  • Obesity and overeating – Your body releases dopamine every time you eat, which is constantly depleting your dopamine reserves when done in excess.  
  • Diets high in sugar and saturated fats continuously trigger large amounts of release all at once. This produces the desire to consume more and more. The more you eat, the more dopamine is released, which is exhausting your reserves and receptors, making them lazy or inactive. 
  • Diets that lack protein can lead to a lack of l-tyrosine, which is an amino acid essential in building dopamine. 
  • Poor diet resulting in a lack of B vitamins, zinc, iron, copper, and magnesium.
  • Digestive issues can lead to a deficiency because 50% of dopamine is produced in the gut. 
  • Chronic stress leads to a consistent overflow of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, while suppressing calming hormones like serotonin and dopamine. 

*Learn more about causes of low dopamine and how to increase them here

When is Dopamine Released?

Every activity (both negative and positive) releases dopamine. The difference is that positive behaviors, like exercise, release dopamine at a more moderate rate than negative behaviors. Negative behaviors like drinking alcohol provide a dopamine rush all at once. All humans have a natural dopamine addiction, and this is why we are easily attracted to behaviors that provide us with instant gratification. We are dopamine fiends that want more and more. Here are some examples of what behaviors release dopamine.

Positive Behavior Examples
  • Eating healthy (exp: fruits and veggies)
  • Exercise
  • Playing competitive sports
  • Completing a task at work
  • Social Interactions with friends and family
Negative Behaviors Examples
  • Eating unhealthily (exp: sugary or fried foods)
  • Nicotine, drugs, and alcohol 
  • Gambling

A dopamine detox can help tame our brains to experience more pleasure from the healthier things in life.

How to Repair Dopamine Receptors With a Dopamine Detox

A Dopamine detox can rebalance the brain’s motivation-reward system. It can also help kick start a weight loss program that requires eliminating sugars, carbohydrates, and processed foods.

The fast involves abstaining from all activities that involve pleasure, including food, alcohol, sex, masturbation, social media, video games, TV, and even talking. The fast can be done for one day monthly. The only thing you should allow yourself to do during the fast is drink water, be in nature, do some light exercise, meditate, and write in a journal.

The point is to cut out over-stimulating activities so that your brain stops excessively pumping out dopamine, especially with negative behaviors. We can choose what our brain associates with pleasure by first eliminating all pleasure-inducing behaviors and then reintroducing only the healthy ones back first. You can slowly bring back negative behaviors, but only if the positive behaviors take up the majority of your time. The dopamine rush resulting from negative behaviors makes us lazy and less motivated to participate in more positive behaviors. For example, a slice of pizza releases more dopamine than a salad, so our brain wants the pizza every time. But when you eliminate pizza from your diet, your brain will start to associate salad with pleasure again.

Dopamine Diet
Dopamine Detox

Bore Yourself Enough and You'll Start to Enjoy the Simple Things in Life Again

Boring yourself will give you a chance to reset your pleasure-reward system so that you associate pleasure with the healthier things in life. For example, a dopamine diet can give you the willpower to eliminate sugars. Have you ever gone hungry long enough to the point where you could eat just about anything? Even bland rice or plain oatmeal sounds delicious when you are starving. This is all connected to the dopamine’s pleasure-reward system in the brain. You want to starve yourself of pleasure, so your brain stops taking advantage of the healthier things in life. Your brain will have a new appreciation for positive behaviors, as long as you do not overwhelm it again with the negative ones. *Remember, negative behaviors make your brain lazy.

Dopamine Diet

If you find it challenging to cut out all pleasure-inducing activity for one day, try a dopamine diet instead. Think of the “fast” as a quick fix and the “diet” as a lifestyle you will maintain for a certain amount of time. 

Eliminate or reduce sugar, carbohydrates, saturated fats, processed food, caffeine, alcohol, smoking, drugs, or other negative behaviors. Include foods that increase dopamine. 

Dopamine Foods:

  • Vegetables
  • Healthy Grains
  • Legumes
  • Nuts – almonds & walnuts
  • Seeds
  • Unprocessed meats, such as beef, turkey, lamb, chicken and fish
  • Eggs
  • Milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Fruit 

To The Point - Natural Ways to Increase Dopamine

  • A dopamine detox can rebalance the brain’s motivation-reward system.
  • The fast involves abstaining from all activities that involve pleasure, including food, alcohol, sex, masturbation, social media, video games, TV, and talking. You can do the fast for one day each month.
  • During abstinence, you should try to increase dopamine levels in healthier ways. Examples would include exercise, sleep, relaxation, and finding more positive things that please you, such as immersing yourself in nature.
  • A dopamine diet involves limiting negative behaviors and maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle.

If you are overcoming a drug or alcohol addiction, it can take anywhere from 3 months to 1 year to heal and rebalance your dopamine levels. Learn more about the process of overcoming drug addictions. Overcoming simple bad habits like food addictions can take anywhere from 3 to 21 days to form new healthier habits. An occasional dopamine detox can help speed up your recovery. 

Learning how to repair dopamine receptors is a vital step in rebalancing dopamine levels. Check out this article to learn 8 ways to naturally increase dopamine levels

Writer Bio

Positive Vibes Quotes

Taleen Keuftedjian is a mental health and wellness enthusiast who coaches others on the importance of whole-body health, which incorporates brain, body, and spirit. She takes a relatable approach where she uses her own personal experiences to help motivate others to live a healthy, happy, anxiety-free life.

Check out my book!

A relatable guide to overcoming anxiety by finding the root cause, and bringing the brain, body, and spirit back into balance. Coming to you from personal experience!

In this book you’ll learn about:
🔸The connection between stress and anxiety
🔸Facing your fears
🔸Anxiety techniques and treatment methods
🔸The gut-brain connection
🔸Healing stagnant emotional trauma
🔸Taming the Ego
🔸Mindfulness and living the present moment
🔸Finding true happiness
🔸Embracing faith over fear
Taleen Keuftedjian
" I constantly have my eyes open for signs and guidance. I never go against my gut feeling. I let life flow, welcoming anything that comes into my life, good or bad. I know that the universe is constantly molding and making room in my life for better things to come along. Everything that is happening to me right now is exactly how it's supposed to be, as long as I don’t fight it, and I remain joyful along the way."
"The hoarder’s irrational need to keep collecting old baggage is easily spotted from an outsider, while those harboring emotional trauma are not so obvious, especially to the person holding it. In both cases, the person is holding onto something that is no longer serving them, which is cluttering up their world."
"I’ve finally chosen faith over fear, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I now walk through life fearlessly, knowing that the universe has me covered. I trust that I’m being protected and guided in a loving way. Anxiety is based on fear, and fear goes against faith, because having faith means that you trust in the process. Surrender to the universe, and you will learn what true happiness really is."​
"Call your bossy brains bluff. Imagine that you’re in a poker game, and you’re going head to head with your bossy brain. Once you start gaining more control, you can start turning each panic attack into an opportunity to reprogram your brain. The more you call its bluff, the bigger your pot will grow, and your fear of panic attacks will slowly start to diminish."
"Welcome the panic with open arms and take the opportunity to balance your bossy brain. Think of it like tug-a-war. Each time you’re able to avoid an attack, take a little more of that rope."
"Sometimes when I’d feel a panic attack coming along, I’d grab my guitar, which I have no idea how to play, turn up the music really loud, jump on my bed, and rock it out as if I were a rock star in the 80’s. Before I knew it, my anxiety shifted from fear to fun in the matter of minutes. Wiggle your body, do the twist, shake your booty, do the arm wave, just be goofy and flow with the nervousness."
"Be present with your thoughts, because this is how you’ll expose them for what they truly are, just thoughts. Your thoughts are not you; they are just thoughts. An anxious thought is just your bossy brain’s creative imagination going wild."
"The brain and gut have such a tight relationship, that a problem in the brain is almost always an indication of a problem in the gut."
"Life’s challenges indicate that a change is needed, which is the universe's way of guiding you in the right direction. Without struggles, there would be no opportunity for self growth."
A lot of people get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, just trying to survive. We forget how beautiful life is, and don’t realize that we are capable of experiencing happiness and joy, every single day. Why spend every day of your life tirelessly and endlessly working at a career that is leaving you feeling unfulfilled, when you can find your true purpose, which is guaranteed to make you thrive."
"Anxiety is fueled by fear and a lack of trust. Discovering who you really are at the core will return your sense of security. If you feel like the universe is giving you a nudge, take the time to stop, listen, and reflect. Let yourself explore your purpose here on earth and who you really are at the core of your being."

~ Balance the Bossy Brain

An Anxiety Book That Will Give You Freedom From Anxiety

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