Check out these positive vibes quotes to help you embrace positivity and boost mental wellness! Let these inspirational words give you a beautiful start to your day.
Positive Vibes Quotes to Help Brighten Your Day

# 24 Inspirational Quotes
You can turn thoughts into miracles when you believe in yourself. So keep your dreams alive!
~ Quotes about self love
~ Positive Vibes Quotes

# 23 Inspirational Quotes
You radiate at a greater magnitude when your confidence comes from within rather than the validation of others.
~ Quotes about self love
~ Positive Vibes Quotes

# 22 Inspirational Quotes
If your heart is not in it, then quit it…
Bigger and better things are waiting for you!
~ Quotes about self love
~ Quotes about success

# 21 Inspirational Quotes
Breakdowns bring Breakthroughs …
As long as you can quiet your mind and let your heart guide the way
~ Inspirational Quotes
~ Spread Positive Vibes Quotes

# 20 Inspirational Quotes
Ego builds walls, while humility breaks them down.
Be your authentic self with others, and you will get the same in return.
~ Inspirational Quotes
~ Positive Vibes Quotes

# 19 Inspirational Quotes
We’ve all experienced heartbreak in some form or another.
This sense of loss can create time and space for greater change to occur.
~ Quotes about self love
~ Quotes about gratitude

# 18 Inspirational Quotes
You are your own best friend, so be kind to yourself and how far you’ve come. No one is perfect, and we are allowed mistakes in life. This is how we learn and grow into better versions of ourselves
~ Quotes about self love

# 17 Inspirational Quotes
22222 is a sign that your angels are with you, supporting you, and you are living out your true purpose. Stay positive and focus on self-love so that you can attract what you want in life.
Happy 22222!
~ Quotes about spirituality

# 16 Inspirational Quotes
The secret to attracting what you want is by being grateful for what you have today.
Happy Holidays!
~ Quotes about gratitude
~ Quotes about gratefulness

# 15 Inspirational Quotes
Be patient, never give up, and don’t stop dreaming.
If there is life, there will be an opportunity to succeed at something.
~ Quotes about success

# 14 Inspirational Quotes
Overthinking creates doubt and doubt creates barriers against attracting what you want in life.
Learn how to let things go so you can align yourself with the positive energy of the universe.
~ Quotes about overthinking

# 13 Inspirational Quotes
Let go of the people in your life that are holding you back from self growth.
surround yourself with positive, uplifting people that bring out the best you.
*** Release old toxic relationships so that you can become the best possible version of yourself.

# 12 Inspirational Quotes
Trust that you’re being protected and guided in a loving way… Anxiety is based on fear, and fear goes against faith, because having faith means that you trust in the process. Surrender to faith over fear and the universe will guide you to exactly where you need to be
*** Focus on faith over fear and the universe will guide you to exactly where you need to be.

# 11 Inspirational Quotes
Attract what you want in life by planting a seed, having faith, and living your life joyfully along the way… These high vibrational emotions help align you with the energy of the universe which helps you manifest what you truly desire.
*** Remember that it’s the journey, not the destination. Stay focused on remaining joyful each day.

# 10 Inspirational Quotes
Comparing yourself to others only fuels insecurity and negativity. Everyone’s on their own journey going at their own pace… The only person you should compare yourself to is your old self. If you’re a better person today than you were yesterday, then you’ve succeeded.

# 9 Inspirational Quotes
Sometimes stressful life experiences are inevitable, but it’s how we react to them that’s important… Be mindful of your thoughts and reactions because you are the creator of your own reality.
*** Be present with your thoughts and make sure they align with what you want to create for yourself.

# 8 Inspirational Quotes
Saying “No” to things that come your way is only stopping you from receiving what is really meant for you… Saying “YES” more often helps you align yourself with the divine energy of the universe.
*** Say “YES” to opportunities that come your way so you can attract more of what is meant for you in life!

# 7 Inspirational Quotes
Unleash your inner fabulousness and feel the beat of life!
*** “Some people feel the rain, others
just get wet.” 💛 this quote from Bob Marley

# 6 Inspirational Quotes
Money and validation Doesn’t necessarily define success… Success can be defined as accomplishing something you never thought you could do.
*** Put your dreams into motion Now! Even if that means taking baby steps!
~Quotes about success

# 5 Inspirational Quotes
Find the positive uniqueness in every circumstance you find yourself in
*** Be present with your thoughts and stop running on autopilot. There’s a positive to every negative. Look and you will find it!
~ Positive Thinking Quotes

# 4 Inspirational Quotes
How you feel today is a byproduct of your thoughts of yesterday.
*** Be thought conscious ~ Attract what you want in life!
~ Positive Thinking Quotes
~ Spread Positive Vibes Quotes

# 3 Inspirational Quotes
Learn how to turn struggles into success obstacles into opportunities ~ and use each challenging situation as an opportunity for self-growth.
*** If there were no challenges in life, then there would be no opportunity for self-development. Remember that if there’s an up, there’s a down.

# 2 Inspirational Quotes
Being in a rut is the universes way of saying it’s time for a change… Dig deep and you may find that bigger and better things are waiting for you.
~ Quotes about manifestation

# 1 Inspirational Quotes
All good things in life take effort … a positive attitude is no exception.
~ Quotes about positivity
~ Spread positive vibes quotes
Did you know that our brains are programmed to default to negative thinking?
Nara's Inspirational Journey
Join Nara on an adventure to save her best friend Halona the Dragonfly.
When Nara and Halona are together, they are a ray of sunshine spreading happiness to everyone in their path. It all changed one day when Coco the Coconut ate Halona.
Nara must now go on a journey to free Halona, which will require her to face her fears and do things she never thought she could do.

Writer Bio

Taleen Keuftedjian is a mental health and wellness enthusiast who coaches others on the importance of whole-body health, which incorporates brain, body, and spirit. She takes a relatable approach where she uses her own personal experiences to help motivate others to live a healthy, happy, anxiety-free life.
Discover more positive thinking quotes to live by!
Today a reader,tomorrow a leader!
Where there is a will, there is a way.
The power of positive thinking is tremendous, I feel it every day of my life. “Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.”