Habitat for Wellness

7 Benefits of Gratitude and how Being Grateful Can Make You Happier

Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude and Happiness

The holidays are a time to show gratitude for all your blessings in life. Sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle that we forget to take a moment to reflect and give thanks for everything we have been given in life. Being grateful can provide many benefits to overall well-being, which can help promote a happier YOU. Having gratitude is also a fundamental part of putting the law of attraction in motion. You attract what you want by being grateful for what you have today.

Benefits of Gratitude

#1 Provides a Sense of Contentment

Being grateful can help boost your confidence since you are less likely to compare yourself to others. When we compare ourselves to others, it promotes negativity and insecurity which diminishes our self-esteem and self-worth. The only person you should compare yourself to is your “old self”.

#2 Promotes Positivity

Being grateful for all your blessings enables you to see the brighter side of things. This attitude can help promote positivity which can help bring more good things into your life. Embracing a more optimistic outlook can provide benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. The more positive vibes you put out there, the more positive things you will attract.

#3 Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Being grateful means that you are less likely to dwell on the negative things in life, such as anger, resentment, and regret. Having a more optimistic view of things can help alleviate unnecessary worry, stress, and anxiety. Since you will be spending less time worrying, you will have more time to enjoy the present moment, which is the key to living a happier life.

#4 Improves the Quality of People Around You

Having a happier attitude can help attract more positive people in your life. By surrounding yourself with like-minded people, you will be able to cultivate healthy relationships.

#5 Benefits of Gratitude and Mental Health

Being grateful benefits the mind by helping to promote a healthier mindset. An attitude of gratitude leaves you more resilient and capable of tackling anything that comes your way, good or bad.

#6 Benefits of Gratitude and Happiness

Gratitude and happiness go hand in hand because being grateful for the good things in life helps you avoid dwelling on the bad stuff.

#7 Gratitude Benefits Overall Physical Health

Having less stress, anxiety, and depression can benefit your physical health in many positive ways.

7 Gratitude Exercises

# 1 Gratitude List or Gratitude Journal

Having a gratitude journal can help you focus on the more uplifting things in life. Give yourself a small goal of listing a few things you are grateful for each day. Try to go back and reflect on this gratitude list from time to time.

#2 Daily Gratitude

Think of something you are grateful for each day before you get out of bed in the morning.

#3 Spend Time in Nature

Nature has its way of promoting peace and tranquility. It also helps you experience the present moment, which is the key to sustainable happiness. You can take this opportunity to appreciate the pure beauty surrounding you; the birds chirping, the sun shining, the beautiful flowers, the fresh air, or the stillness of the trees.

#4 Volunteer

Helping someone less fortunate than you can help put things into perspective. No matter how bad you think things are, they can always be worse. Helping others can make you happier by providing a sense of purpose in life.

#5 Forgive and Let it Go

Think of an old friend you are upset with and have not talked to in a while. Try your best to forgive this person and find one thing about them that you are grateful for. An example could be as simple as being grateful that the argument provided you with an opportunity to exercise forgiveness. Boom … there you go! The more you practice forgiving others, the easier it will become. Forgiving others can help release pent-up negativity in your body. Try to repeat this exercise daily or every so often.

#6 Turn a Negative into a Positive

Think of a challenging thing you may be facing in life. Now find something about this situation that you are grateful for. Try to repeat this exercise daily or every so often.

#7 Perform a Gratitude Meditation Every Morning

Take time every morning to meditate on one thing you are grateful for. Use your imagination and visualize yourself giving thanks for all your blessings.

Practicing Gratitude for Lasting Results

The benefits of gratitude are endless and it is important to understand that this is a mindset that may take some work. If you dedicate yourself to these gratitude exercises, your whole outlook on life can change thereby creating a happier YOU.

A relatable guide to overcoming anxiety by finding the root cause, and bringing the brain, body, and spirit back into balance. Coming to you from personal experience!

In this book you’ll learn about:
🔸The connection between stress and anxiety
🔸Anxiety Recovery Success Stories
🔸Panic Attack Success Stories
🔸Facing your fears
🔸Anxiety techniques and treatment methods
🔸The gut-brain connection
🔸Healing stagnant emotional trauma
🔸Taming the Ego
🔸Mindfulness and living the present moment
🔸Finding true happiness
🔸Embracing faith over fear

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