Balance the Bossy Brain: Affirmations For Anxiety
How to Reduce Anxiety and Increase confidence
Most people will experience some form of anxiety throughout their lifetime, and the culprit is often due to stress. Modern-day living can be filled with stress related to work, relationships, politics, societal pressure, or any other tough times you may be experiencing. If you are trying to learn how to reduce anxiety and increase confidence, then you have come to the right place. The affirmations for anxiety and fear in this article will give you the courage and confidence you’re seeking.
Coming to You From Personal Experience
I’ve suffered from chronic anxiety firsthand for most of my youth and it’s something that brought much terror in my life. I completely understand how panic attacks and anxiety symptoms can seem so real.
It was not until I hit rock bottom at 27 years old that I was able to turn things around. I go into detail about my experience with anxiety and how I overcame it in my book, Balance the Bossy Brain. It’s a relatable guide to overcoming anxiety by finding the root cause and bringing the brain, body, and spirit back into balance. I realized how powerful affirmations
Declare Your Self-Worth With Affirmations For Anxiety
So here we go … declare your self-worth and provide a sense of safety by speaking these positive affirmations for anxiety throughout the day. The idea is to have these loving and supportive words reprogram your subconscious mind.

List of Positive Affirmations For Anxiety
- I will not be afraid right now
- This fear is not real. It is only in my imagination
- I am safe and nothing can hurt me right now
- These negative feelings will not bring me down
- I choose to let go of this anxiety
- I send away these negative thoughts
- I will be free of this fear any second now
- I refuse to be afraid
- I choose to be present and no longer fear the future
- Fearful thoughts no longer serve me
- I choose faith over fear
- My negative thoughts are going away
- My fearful thoughts are fading away
- My anxiety is unwinding and I feel good right now
- I am strong and I can get through anything
- I am radiating love and positivity
- I inhale relaxation and exhale fear
- I feel calm and tranquil right now
- I am grateful for everything I have been given in life
- My spirits are lifted and I feel great right now
- I am on a new path to freedom
- I am letting go of this anxiety
- I embody this healing positive energy
- I am strong and I can get through any obstacle that comes my way
- I choose positivity and release negativity
- I trust in my body’s ability to protect me
- I release all negative energy that is not serving me
- I inhale relaxation and exhale fear
- I release stress with every breath I take
- I am strong and I heal quickly
- My mind and body are strong and I am courageous
- I am protected and the Universe has me covered
- The world is a loving and safe place
- I am loved by those around me
- My immune system is powerful
- I am fierce, fearless, and a badass
- I am healthy and strong
- I am destined to live a long and healthy life
- The universe is a safe place filled with love
- The universe loves and supports me
- I look forward to my future
- My past is behind me, and my present is awesome
- I am healed, and my mind is strong
- I love and accept myself for who I am
- I am happy and filled with joy
- My body is strong, and capable of protecting me from harm

Shout out these affirmations for anxiety to the world!
Shout out these affirmations for anxiety to the world! Let the universe know that you WILL NOT accept negativity in your life. Use conviction in your words and really believe that what you are saying is true. You are deserving of good health and you will embody this feeling of courage!
Continue reading to learn more about natural ways to stop worrying and start living. Combine the tips below with affirmations for anxiety and you will learn how to reduce anxiety and increase confidence. Freedom from anxiety is possible, and I’m confident that you are on your way to a worry-free life.

14 Natural Tips on How to Reduce Anxiety and Increase Confidence
#1 Eliminate Stress
Stress can cause all kinds of physical symptoms like chest pain, rapid heartbeat, aches and pains, lowered immune system, nausea, dizziness, digestive issues, and all kinds of other symptoms that can be mistaken for a serious illness.
#2 Avoid Stimulants
Avoid Stimulants like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and sugar. These can cause racing thoughts that can make your health anxiety worse.
#3 Relax
Relax – Ok, I know you want to reach out of the screen right now to tell me to screw off because trying to relax while experiencing anxiety is almost impossible. I suffered from anxiety for 18 years, so I absolutely know the feeling. But what you must know is trying to relax is the most important step in stopping a panic attack! Having a relaxed mind and body will get rid of any physical symptoms associated with stress. You also need to be able to eliminate all the stress hormones that are pumping through your body to stop the panic. Promote relaxation through yoga, meditation, exercise, or listening to soothing music.
#4 Breath
Overcome panic attack breathing by trying these breathing exercises for anxiety. The most effective anxiety breathing technique is 4 – 7 – 8 breathing, which involves inhaling through your nose for a count of 4, holding your breath for a count of 7, and exhaling through your mouth for a count of 8. Combine deep breathing with affirmation for panic attacks and you will relax in no time!
#5 Give Google a Break - Stop Symptom Checking
Limit symptom checking on the internet if you find that it’s making your health anxiety worse. Also, avoid articles that tend to focus on the worst-case scenario.
#6 Make a Doctor Appointment
If you have a fear of doctors and avoiding them at all costs, then try to overcome this fear. I suffered from health anxiety for many years and I can honestly say that going to the doctors for a full exam was the most effective solution to overcoming my health anxiety. Avoiding your fear only makes it worse, while facing your fear makes it go away. Shout out health anxiety affirmations with confidence and determination!
#7 Get a Restful Sleep
Getting a good night’s rest can promote a relaxed headspace and reduce stress.
#8 Avoid Nighttime Anxiety
Have you ever found that your anxiety worsens throughout the night? Serotonin converts to melatonin when it’s dark and continues to drop throughout the night. Someone with anxiety most likely has lower serotonin levels that drop even lower throughout the night. This could be the reason you find yourself with higher anxiety in the middle of the night. Understanding how chemicals and hormones affect your body can help rationalize your scary thoughts.
#9 Reprogram Negative Thinking
Learn how to overcome fear by reprogramming your brain to think more positively. Back in the day, our brains were programmed to react strongly to negative stimuli to protect us from danger. Being that we are predisposed to negative thinking, we need to reprogram our brains to think more positively.
#10 Avoid Nonsensical News or Other Negative TV Programs
Stop watching those mystery diagnosis shows or other TV programs that can fuel your fear of disease. Also, avoid the media’s negative spiral. The media thrives off of fear and negativity, so make a conscious effort to filter out any unnecessary news you’re listening to. Sometimes ignorance is bliss! You don’t need to know about the violent fight or car accident that happened miles away. Replace the drama with something lighthearted or educational. Who you surround yourself with also plays a big role in your thought process, so try to limit your time spent with those who tend to be more negative.
#11 Talk Yourself Through It
Self-talk – Talk to yourself during your panic attack. Try to reassure yourself that you will be fine and that it will be over very soon. Use the affirmations for anxiety above and tell yourself that you are strong, and you will get through this.
#12 Distract yourself
Go for a walk, clean the house, start dancing, or start a conversation with someone around you. It may seem uncomfortable at first, but the anxious feeling will eventually go away, and you’ll forget the panic attack was even coming along.
#13 Face Your fears
If you want to learn how to reduce anxiety and increase confidence, then your first step should be to face your fears.
Learn how to overcome fear by facing your fears head-on. There’s a technique where you purposefully trigger a panic attack so that you can maintain contact with the feared sensation to desensitize yourself toward the fear. Sometimes when I felt a panic attack coming along, I would sit in a computer chair and spin in circles until I felt dizzy. I would then stop and feel the sensations going through my body. I would wait it out no matter how uncomfortable it was. Every time I did this, it would help me overcome my fear a bit more each time. Learn more about my experience and how to overcome anxiety.
#14 Anxiety after eating
Some people experience a sudden onset of anxiety symptoms after eating, and this could be due to numerous reasons. If you eat too much, then it may feel harder to breathe normally. Feeling too full can also increase the feeling of vomiting, which could also trigger anxiety. Or, it could be due to certain foods that are triggering an inflammatory response. If you notice that you are having anxiety after eating certain foods, then consider doing an elimination diet or getting a food sensitivity test. If you have a food sensitivity and you are exposed to that particular food, the body will send out stress hormones to fight what it perceives as a foreign invader. These stress hormones trigger the fight or flight response, which is what causes anxiety and panic attacks.

You Will Get Through This!
If you’re interested in more overcoming health anxiety stories, check out my book, Balance the Bossy Brain. I humbly reveal my vulnerabilities and struggles that I’ve gone through in life so that I can connect with you on a personal level. This way, I can get you to identify and heal your own emotional trauma that led up to where you are today.
I hope you enjoyed this article on affirmations for anxiety, and I wish you peace, positivity, and an anxiety-free life!
Author Bio

Taleen Keuftedjian is a mental health and wellness enthusiast who coaches others on the importance of whole-body health, which incorporates brain, body, and spirit. She takes a relatable approach where she uses her own personal experiences to help motivate others to live a healthy, happy, anxiety-free life.
Check out my book!
A relatable guide to overcoming anxiety by finding the root cause, and bringing the brain, body, and spirit back into balance. Coming to you from personal experience!

~ Balance the Bossy Brain