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Overcoming Health Anxiety Stories – #1 Free Yourself NOW!

Overcoming Health Anxiety Stories

Balance the Bossy Brain: Overcoming Health Anxiety Stories

Am I a Hypochondriac?

Are you constantly worrying about getting a disease? Or believe you may already have one, OR even a few? Do you constantly believe you have new illnesses that you hear about and justify them through mild or non-existent symptoms? Do you excessively Google symptoms you think you’re experiencing? Do you worry about diseases more than the average person? If you’re searching for overcoming health anxiety stories, then you’ve come to the right place.

My Story

I’ve suffered from health anxiety firsthand for most of my youth and it’s something that haunted me throughout my teenage years and early 20’s. I completely understand how health anxiety symptoms seem so real. It was not until I hit rock bottom at 27 years old that I was able to turn things around. I’ve been hypochondria-free for many years now, so I’m confident that you can do the same! 

You can hear more about my overcoming health anxiety stories in my book, Balance the Bossy Brain. I go into detail about my personal experience with anxiety and how I overcame it in my book. It’s a relatable guide to overcoming anxiety by finding the root cause and bringing the brain, body, and spirit back into balance.

If You're Experiencing Any of the Following Symptoms, Then Check Out My Health Anxiety Stories Below

  • Excessively worrying about having or getting a serious illness
  • Constantly checking your body for symptoms associated with disease
  • Overly concerned with minor symptoms or normal body sensations and believe they may be associated with a life-threatening illness
  • Overly frightened about health status and test results
  • Avoid going to the doctors in fear that they may diagnose you with a serious illness
  • OR going to the doctor excessively, yet finding little or no reassurance by negative test results
  • Constantly talking about health and diseases
  • Constantly searching the internet for diseases associated with symptoms you think you may be experiencing

Overcoming Health Anxiety Stories

It all started when I was 9 years old ...

It all started when I was 9 years old and my mom came to pick me up from school. She told me I had to go to the doctor to get a checkup. I asked her why. She told me that I needed to get a checkup once a year so that the doctor could catch any diseases before they turned into something more serious. So, here’s how my “child brain” interpreted this. “Wait … I can get diseases?! And the doctor will tell me when I get a disease?! And I can die from these diseases?! Oh, hell no …” And this is when my bossy brain took over.

I became obsessed and couldn’t even hear the word “disease” without getting a rush of fear running through my body ...

So now I was terrified of doctors, associating them with death and disease. In addition, I started thinking I had every disease in the book, which is when my health anxiety began. I became obsessed and couldn’t even hear the word “disease” without getting a rush of fear running through my body. As a young child, I would eat tons of fruits and veggies in hopes that this would cure or prevent diseases. I would thoroughly inspect my body each day to see if any new marks or lumps had developed. It became an obsession of mine, which I kept to myself for the longest time. I suffered with this horrible thought that I would one day succumb to one of these deadly diseases, and never make it to my 16th birthday. I prayed, and prayed, and prayed. “God, I just want to be able to drive a car. Please let me live to 16!”

In my mind, I could not tell a soul ...

In my mind, I could not tell a soul, because if I did, they would make me go to the doctor, where I would get my death sentence. Therefore, I harbored this secret for more than 10 years. The paranoia got so out of control that I thought I had HIV, even though I was a virgin. How crazy is that? How could it be possible? Well … my bossy brain convinced me that it was definitely a possibility. I would look at the people around me and admire them for being disease-free. In my mind, they were all happy, oblivious, and carefree, while I sat there disease-ridden waiting for my impending death.

I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel ...

This toxic cycle of fear continued for most of my youth, up until I had the worst panic attack of my life. My nervous system was stuck in flight or fight mode and this left me in a haze of anxiety for weeks. for My anxiety was extremely crippling, and I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I was so desperate for sanity that I didn’t even care what the doctor was going to tell me, I just needed to know ...

I decided it was finally time to shut my bossy brain up and go to the doctor to get a full physical. I was so desperate for sanity that I didn’t even care what the doctor was going to tell me, I just needed to know. A few days later I got my results and heard the best news of my life. My blood tests were normal, and I was disease-free. 

Hitting rock bottom was one of the best things that ever happened to me ...

I was now more determined than ever to take control of my life, and nothing was going to stop me. I began to slowly wean off the anxiety meds and started to focus on educating myself on health, nutrition, and the gut-brain connection. I would read any books or articles that involved nutrition, disease, and mental health. I became fascinated with health-related documentaries and researching emerging ideas on the root cause of mental issues. I was finding that there were so many deep-rooted issues causing and contributing to mental health challenges that are overlooked by modern medicine. I was finally equipped with enough knowledge and determination to heal my mind and body. I can honestly say that hitting rock bottom was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Free Yourself From Health Anxiety

Overcoming Health Anxiety Stories

If you’re interested in more overcoming health anxiety stories, then check out my book, Balance the Bossy Brain. I humbly reveal my vulnerabilities and struggles that I’ve gone through in life so that I can connect with you on a personal level. This way, I can get you to identify and heal your own emotional trauma that led up to where you are today.

I hope you enjoyed this article and I wish you peace, positivity, and an anxiety-free life!

Author Bio

Positive Vibes Quotes

Taleen Keuftedjian is a mental health and wellness enthusiast who coaches others on the importance of whole-body health, which incorporates brain, body, and spirit. She takes a relatable approach where she uses her own personal experiences to help motivate others to live a healthy, happy, anxiety-free life.

Check out my book!

A relatable guide to overcoming anxiety by finding the root cause, and bringing the brain, body, and spirit back into balance. Coming to you from personal experience!

In this book you’ll learn about:
🔸The connection between stress and anxiety
🔸Facing your fears
🔸Anxiety techniques and treatment methods
🔸The gut-brain connection
🔸Healing stagnant emotional trauma
🔸Taming the Ego
🔸Mindfulness and living the present moment
🔸Finding true happiness
🔸Embracing faith over fear
Taleen Keuftedjian
" I constantly have my eyes open for signs and guidance. I never go against my gut feeling. I let life flow, welcoming anything that comes into my life, good or bad. I know that the universe is constantly molding and making room in my life for better things to come along. Everything that is happening to me right now is exactly how it's supposed to be, as long as I don’t fight it, and I remain joyful along the way."
"The hoarder’s irrational need to keep collecting old baggage is easily spotted from an outsider, while those harboring emotional trauma are not so obvious, especially to the person holding it. In both cases, the person is holding onto something that is no longer serving them, which is cluttering up their world."
"I’ve finally chosen faith over fear, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I now walk through life fearlessly, knowing that the universe has me covered. I trust that I’m being protected and guided in a loving way. Anxiety is based on fear, and fear goes against faith, because having faith means that you trust in the process. Surrender to the universe, and you will learn what true happiness really is."​
"Call your bossy brains bluff. Imagine that you’re in a poker game, and you’re going head to head with your bossy brain. Once you start gaining more control, you can start turning each panic attack into an opportunity to reprogram your brain. The more you call its bluff, the bigger your pot will grow, and your fear of panic attacks will slowly start to diminish."
"Welcome the panic with open arms and take the opportunity to balance your bossy brain. Think of it like tug-a-war. Each time you’re able to avoid an attack, take a little more of that rope."
"Sometimes when I’d feel a panic attack coming along, I’d grab my guitar, which I have no idea how to play, turn up the music really loud, jump on my bed, and rock it out as if I were a rock star in the 80’s. Before I knew it, my anxiety shifted from fear to fun in the matter of minutes. Wiggle your body, do the twist, shake your booty, do the arm wave, just be goofy and flow with the nervousness."
"Be present with your thoughts, because this is how you’ll expose them for what they truly are, just thoughts. Your thoughts are not you; they are just thoughts. An anxious thought is just your bossy brain’s creative imagination going wild."
"The brain and gut have such a tight relationship, that a problem in the brain is almost always an indication of a problem in the gut."
"Life’s challenges indicate that a change is needed, which is the universe's way of guiding you in the right direction. Without struggles, there would be no opportunity for self growth."
A lot of people get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, just trying to survive. We forget how beautiful life is, and don’t realize that we are capable of experiencing happiness and joy, every single day. Why spend every day of your life tirelessly and endlessly working at a career that is leaving you feeling unfulfilled, when you can find your true purpose, which is guaranteed to make you thrive."
"Anxiety is fueled by fear and a lack of trust. Discovering who you really are at the core will return your sense of security. If you feel like the universe is giving you a nudge, take the time to stop, listen, and reflect. Let yourself explore your purpose here on earth and who you really are at the core of your being."

~ Balance the Bossy Brain

An Anxiety Book That Will Give You Freedom From Anxiety

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