Habitat for Wellness

10 Powerful Tips: How to Raise Your VIBRATION When Depressed

How to raise your vibration when depressed

How To Raise Your Vibration When Depressed?

If you know anything about the law of attraction, then you know that depression is poison when it comes to attracting what you want in life. Negativity will keep you in a downward spiral, leaving you drawn to the worst-case scenarios, skepticism, lethargy, lack of passion, and generally untrusting of others and the world around you. Anger, resentment, separateness, fear, depression, and anxiety can all lead to low vibrations. Learning how to raise your vibration when depressed is an important step in the law of attraction. And it may not be as challenging as you think. You may be wondering to yourself, what’s my vibration level? And we will figure this out later in this article. First, let’s understand if depression and negativity are ultimately a bad thing.

Is Negativity a Bad Thing? ​

Think back to our caveman roots. Humans are addicted to drama, fear, and negativity because that is how our brains were programmed during hunter-gatherer times. Our brains evolved to react strongly to negative stimuli in order to protect us from imminent danger. So back in the day, negativity would save us from becoming prey, falling off a cliff, being attacked by other tribes, devastating fires, poisonous plants, etc. Our brains were developed this way because it is impossible to stay alert and ready for “fight or flight” if we are distracted by the “beautiful rainbows” in the sky. But the difference today is that we no longer need to fear being prey as we once did before. Therefore, as a result of our caveman roots, we are affected by negative situations more than positive ones. 

So if you’re depressed, know that you are not alone and this is a result of letting your instinctual negativity get the most of you. We’re all human, and we all get depressed at some point in our lives. But we don’t want to stay in that negative state for long if we want to put the law of attraction to work. I’m here to help you learn how to raise your vibration when depressed. But first, you might be asking yourself what’s my vibration level? Well, let’s take a look at Abraham Hicks list of emotions, rated from highest to lowest vibration. 

What's my vibration level

What's My Vibration Level?

Take a look at the 22 emotions listed below. I would say that you’re running at a higher vibration if you experience the first 7 emotions often, and you’re running at a lower vibration if you experience emotions 16 – 22 often. If you’re in the middle of this vibrational scale, then you are most likely running at a neutral vibration which could be sending out conflicting messages to The Universe. To really grasp how to raise your vibration when depressed, you really need to tip your emotional scale towards the higher vibrations.

  1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation
  2. Passion
  3. Enthusiasm
  4. Positive Expectation/Belief
  5. Optimism
  6. Hopefulness
  7. Contentment
  8. Boredom
  9. Pessimism
  10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
  11. Overwhelmed
  12. Disappointment
  13. Doubt
  14. Worry
  15. Blame
  16. Discouragement
  17. Anger
  18. Revenge
  19. Hatred/Rage
  20. Jealousy
  21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
  22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Powerlessness/Victim/Anxiety

If you’re still wondering what’s my vibration level, then keep reading to help yourself embrace a more positive lifestyle. This way, you’ll automatically shift into a higher vibration without even trying.

What happens when you raise your vibration

11 Tips on How to Raise Your Vibration When Depressed

#1 - Reprogram Negative Thinking

The fact that we are predisposed to negativity means that we need to actively reprogram our brains to think more positively. This may involve being more mindful of our thoughts. In other words, being present with our thoughts and reducing our time spent running on autopilot. You can start by calling out a negative thought when it comes in. The more you are able to acknowledge your negative thoughts, the more your thoughts will begin to shift.  

You can also try switching out your negative thoughts for more neutral or positive ones. For example, if you wake up in the morning and you’re dreading getting out of bed because it’s raining outside, think about how beautiful the rain can be and how it supplies you with drinking water to keep you alive. Each time you’re able to do this, it retrains your brain to default to a more positive way of thinking. Also, being grateful is an excellent way to raise your vibration. 

#2 Avoid the Media

The media thrives off of negativity and they know what their audience responds to, which is drama and fear. If you’re consistently exposing yourself to drama and fear, then guess what, you’re lowering your vibrations. So, make a conscious effort to filter out any unnecessary news that you’re listening to.

#3 Avoid Negative and Low Vibrational Entertainment

This includes the dark TV series everyone is talking about. These types of shows can create fear and anxiety, which both perpetuate low vibrations. Are you still wondering what’s my vibration level? Well, have you ever noticed that when you’re in a bad place in life, you prefer depressing TV shows, movies, or music? On the other hand, if you’re in a good place in life (AKA running at a higher vibration), you often enjoy comedies, uplifting TV programs, and upbeat music. Your current mood dictates what you’re attracted to; however, what you choose to expose yourself to will perpetuate the feelings you’re having. If you’re depressed and watch a dark series on Netflix, then this will contribute to more depression thereby keeping you in a low vibration frequency. As I mentioned above, comedies and light-hearted TV programs can help you learn how to raise your vibration when depressed.

#4 Distance Yourself from Negative People and Remove Yourself from Toxic Relationships

You may find that some people close to you often give off a negative energy. You may even enjoy their negativity because you are in a negative place as well. Low vibrational energy attracts low vibrational energy. This is the law of attraction. So, ask yourself if this is an unhealthy relationship that’s holding you back from seeing the good in life. Learn how to detach yourself emotionally from these people and limit your time spent as much as possible. You may even want to let the person know that they are dwelling on negativity. Confronting them may be hard to do, but you will be doing them a favor in the end. Sometimes you’re so deep in a negative spiral that it’s hard to notice how deep you’ve gone.

#5 Practice Forgiveness

Forgive those who you feel have done you wrong. Think of the saying, “Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” If you’re holding a grudge toward someone in your life, forgive them, and let it go. You need to be able to forgive in order to embrace the present moment, otherwise, you’re living in the past and thereby running at a low vibration. Think of a time that you got in a fight with someone and held onto the anger toward them. You go about your daily life only to hear their name come up at some point in the future. Notice the stress, anger, and negativity this feeling brings upon you. You’re holding on to this anger and storing it in your subconscious only for it to come out at a later time. This animosity is stored in your body as negative energy. You may think that you’ve moved on, but if you haven’t forgiven the person, then you’re still stuck with this negative energy. Resentment is toxic for your body, and it reveals itself through stress, anger, and negativity. And if you reference the emotional scale above (What’s my vibration level?), you’ll see that these are all low vibrations that we want to stay away from.

#6 Stop Negative Self-Talk

Stop talking down to yourself! This is by far one of the most important steps when trying to learn how to raise your vibration when depressed. “Why do bad things keep happening to me?” Avoid this type of self-talk, playing the victim. And forget about those pity parties. Never talk down to yourself and learn how to love and respect yourself by using positive affirmations. Speaking these positive words is a great way to learn how to raise your vibration when depressed. All this requires is acknowledging the thought when it comes in and rephrasing it in a positive way. The act of doing this over and over again helps automatically retrain your brain to think more positively.

#7 Accept Whatever Comes Your Way, Good or Bad

Surrender to every situation you find yourself in whether it’s good or bad. If you find that you’re stuck in a traffic jam, then just let it be. Don’t honk your horn, get mad, or swerve through traffic; just be at peace with it. Having a negative reaction to this situation brings stress, anger, and bad energy which are all lower vibrations.

#8 Release the Ego

It’s important to set aside your ego and work through your problems if you’re trying to learn how to raise your vibration when depressed. If you’re dealing with someone who is difficult, then you may be better off telling them that you understand where they are coming from and making peace with them. This doesn’t mean that you’re accepting that they are right, and you are wrong. It just means that you are choosing peace over ego, and you refuse to carry this burden around with you. Think about what will happen if you walk away from that friend with the issue unresolved. You’ll continue to imagine the argument later, stressing yourself further by storytelling in your mind. “How unfair your friend was being, what else you could have said, how you’re right and they’re wrong.” Let it go! Surrender to the situation. Forgive, forget, and agree to disagree. If you can learn how to let go of the small stuff, then you can quickly raise your vibration to get in alignment with what you’re seeking in life.

#9 Find the Positive Uniqueness in Every Situation

Ask yourself if there’s anything you can learn from the circumstances that you find yourself in. Saying you’re unlucky, life isn’t fair, you’ve been dealt a bad hand, or any other negative outlook only brings more negativity into your life. Learn how to turn struggles into success, obstacles into opportunities, and use each challenging situation as an opportunity for self-growth. Check out these positive vibes quotes quotes to help kick-start your positivity. 

#10 Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Moment

Let go of the past, stop storytelling, stop reminiscing over stuff that’s happened, and let that embarrassing memory go. Don’t ask yourself any could have, should have, or would haves. Let it go! It is what it is! Mindfulness or living in the moment is essential to finding true happiness. Remember this quote, “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the moment.” – Tao Te Ching

#11 Find a new job or career that you’re happy with

If you find that your negativity is stemming from your workplace, then consider the effect that this may be having on your well-being. Start by asking yourself, what’s my vibration level? Are you stressed out at work? Feel under-appreciated? Dealing with someone negative in the workplace? Or find yourself in a career that is no longer fulfilling you? Write down the positives and negatives and figure out what kind of budget you would need to start something new. We only live once, and life is too short to spend the majority of it in a job that you’re unhappy with.

How to raise your vibration when depressed

My Thoughts On Common Questions On Things That Could Lower Vibration

#1 Does weed lower your vibration?

Does weed lower your vibration

I think the answer to this question depends on how often you are smoking weed. If you’re smoking weed daily, then I think weed does lower your vibration. I think most mind-altering drugs, alcohol, muscle relaxers, etc. will lower your vibration when it comes to trying to manifest things. Especially if you’re doing them often. Raising your vibration involves mindfulness and being present, which is hard to do if you are stoned.

If you’re looking for enlightenment and are trying mind-altering drugs to see things from a different perspective or get answers to questions, then I don’t think this will lower your vibration as long as you are not doing this on a regular basis.

#2 Does crying lower your vibration?

Does crying lower your vibration

I don’t think crying lowers your vibration as long as your tears are temporary and you are not keeping yourself in a sad cycle of depression. Sporadic tears can be a great release that’s necessary for self-growth and healing.

#3 Does coffee lower your vibration?

Does coffee lower your vibration

I think the answer depends on the person’s mental health and personality. If someone is an anxious person, then drinking coffee can increase anxiety thereby leaving them in an anxious state. If you go back to the section, “What’s my vibration level”, then you’ll see that anxiety is a low vibration emotion. However, some people may need coffee as a mood booster and to be more productive. This can then raise your vibration.

Keep Raising Your Vibration!

I hope you enjoyed this article on how to raise your vibration when depressed and hopefully next time you wonder what’s my vibration level, you’ll quickly get the answer you’re looking for. Wishing you all happiness and positivity! 

“Find the positive uniqueness in every circumstance you find yourself in. Learn how to turn struggles into success, obstacles into opportunities, and use each challenging situation as an opportunity for self-growth.” – Habitat for Wellness

Author Bio

Positive Vibes Quotes

Taleen Keuftedjian is a mental health and wellness enthusiast who coaches others on the importance of whole-body health, which incorporates brain, body, and spirit. She takes a relatable approach where she uses her own personal experiences to help motivate others to live a healthy, happy, anxiety-free life.

Check out my book!

A relatable guide to overcoming anxiety by finding the root cause, and bringing the brain, body, and spirit back into balance. Coming to you from personal experience!

In this book you’ll learn about:
🔸The connection between stress and anxiety
🔸Facing your fears
🔸Anxiety techniques and treatment methods
🔸The gut-brain connection
🔸Healing stagnant emotional trauma
🔸Taming the Ego
🔸Mindfulness and living the present moment
🔸Finding true happiness
🔸Embracing faith over fear
Taleen Keuftedjian
" I constantly have my eyes open for signs and guidance. I never go against my gut feeling. I let life flow, welcoming anything that comes into my life, good or bad. I know that the universe is constantly molding and making room in my life for better things to come along. Everything that is happening to me right now is exactly how it's supposed to be, as long as I don’t fight it, and I remain joyful along the way."
"The hoarder’s irrational need to keep collecting old baggage is easily spotted from an outsider, while those harboring emotional trauma are not so obvious, especially to the person holding it. In both cases, the person is holding onto something that is no longer serving them, which is cluttering up their world."
"I’ve finally chosen faith over fear, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I now walk through life fearlessly, knowing that the universe has me covered. I trust that I’m being protected and guided in a loving way. Anxiety is based on fear, and fear goes against faith, because having faith means that you trust in the process. Surrender to the universe, and you will learn what true happiness really is."​
"Call your bossy brains bluff. Imagine that you’re in a poker game, and you’re going head to head with your bossy brain. Once you start gaining more control, you can start turning each panic attack into an opportunity to reprogram your brain. The more you call its bluff, the bigger your pot will grow, and your fear of panic attacks will slowly start to diminish."
"Welcome the panic with open arms and take the opportunity to balance your bossy brain. Think of it like tug-a-war. Each time you’re able to avoid an attack, take a little more of that rope."
"Sometimes when I’d feel a panic attack coming along, I’d grab my guitar, which I have no idea how to play, turn up the music really loud, jump on my bed, and rock it out as if I were a rock star in the 80’s. Before I knew it, my anxiety shifted from fear to fun in the matter of minutes. Wiggle your body, do the twist, shake your booty, do the arm wave, just be goofy and flow with the nervousness."
"Be present with your thoughts, because this is how you’ll expose them for what they truly are, just thoughts. Your thoughts are not you; they are just thoughts. An anxious thought is just your bossy brain’s creative imagination going wild."
"The brain and gut have such a tight relationship, that a problem in the brain is almost always an indication of a problem in the gut."
"Life’s challenges indicate that a change is needed, which is the universe's way of guiding you in the right direction. Without struggles, there would be no opportunity for self growth."
A lot of people get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, just trying to survive. We forget how beautiful life is, and don’t realize that we are capable of experiencing happiness and joy, every single day. Why spend every day of your life tirelessly and endlessly working at a career that is leaving you feeling unfulfilled, when you can find your true purpose, which is guaranteed to make you thrive."
"Anxiety is fueled by fear and a lack of trust. Discovering who you really are at the core will return your sense of security. If you feel like the universe is giving you a nudge, take the time to stop, listen, and reflect. Let yourself explore your purpose here on earth and who you really are at the core of your being."

~ Balance the Bossy Brain

An Anxiety Book That Will Give You Freedom From Anxiety

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